Landmark Wiki

Yasuewho Yasuewho 6 January 2017

Game Closing

Sadly, Landmark will be shuttered on February 21st, 2017.

Players were notified by email and through a forum announcement. The forum announcement was written by Daybreak employee, RadarX. The official announcement has been copied and pasted below with some formatting changes to retain it beyond the date of the closure.

You can read the announcement and community response on:

  • Official announcement thread until the forums are also closed.

The following is the copy/pasted forum announcement from Daybreak's RadarX:

To the Landmark community,

With heavy hearts, we are writing today to inform you that after much review, we have decided to close Landmark game servers on February 21, 2017.

Since Landmark first entered Alpha, we have been impressed by the…

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Jarod997 Jarod997 1 August 2016

August Long Weekend

For Canadians we're celebrating a long weekend (which goes by a different name depending on what Province you live in). Nice weather, time off. What better way to spend it than playing some Landmark!

Since my time off, I admit somewhat longer than I had planned, I've come to appreciate the game again. Although I'm saddened by the news that EQ Next won't come to be (at least any time soon), I guess I take some confort in knowing that Landmark will still be around for some time to come. And as the game develops, we the Wikia community will continue to be here making this reference the best place to go to look up whatever you need to know in the game.

Many thanks to the users who have kept things going in my absence: @Ferthi, @Yasuewho, @Antimuff…

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Yasuewho Yasuewho 4 July 2016

Prop UPDATES - oh my!

If anyone has been lurking, you may have noticed a flurry of updates to the prop pages. After messing about with the Lumen Station, I realized on major distinction that needs to be made is that some props are Innate Items and other are not.

Why the word innate? It speaks to knowledge one has when born and that can be applied to a newly created character. Essentially, it aims to say, "your character has the knowledge this to place prop (or craft other items) as soon as you log in for the first time" --only it says that with one word.

  • Simple Stool is an example of the (for-now) formatting of the innate props.
  • Buccaneer's Armchair is an example of a non-innate prop and it has the placeholder image until a placed version can be added to the page as …
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Yasuewho Yasuewho 25 June 2016

Post-Launch Updates

Hooray! The game has launched at long last and we have new players joining us in Lumeria.

New players may find the User Guides page helpful.

While we have many dedicated players who've recently made great efforts and donated their time to update the wiki, the community needs your help too. If you have any questions about how to edit, please don't be shy about stopping by and leaving a message on my Message Wall.

If you're not sure who is editing what, you can use the Wiki Activity link at the top of any page for a list of recently edited pages.

This list can be helpful if you're just getting started with editing and want to choose an adjacent topic to work on, as most topics have several related topics that may need help too.

  • For example, if you …

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Sakshale Sakshale 19 June 2016

Category Structure

We need a clear vision on how categories and articles should be linked.

For example, currently there is no information about the Earth Affinity.

Using weapons as a guide, there needs to be an Earth Affinity page with links to all Earth Categories -- with them all linking back to it.

The other option is that the Earth Affinity link on the Affinity page would go to one of the Earth Affinity catagory pages. 

One of the long term problems we have is that everything is currently built on manually created lists, such as "Ranged Weapons" on the Weapons page.  Those lists tend to be out of date for many, many reasons.  That is why wikis have categories.  We need a consistant vision for cross linking articles to categories and guidence on what categori…

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Yasuewho Yasuewho 14 June 2016

Looking for fellow editors and admins...

The game launched on June 10th 2016 and (at least at the time of this post) I seem to be the lone active editor. I've considered "adopting" this wiki per the official Wikia process, so that it also has at least one active admin. If anyone is lurking about and has an issue with this idea, please speak up now, as I may make a post of the Wikia official section to adopt it in the coming month or two. That said, I'd prefer help! Jump on in and edit with me if you're lurking. A wiki, like a game, is always made better when it is a community effort. Besides, who else will catch my tyops. ;) Yasuewho (talk) 04:15, June 14, 2016 (UTC)Yasuewho

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Jarod997 Jarod997 16 March 2015

March Update

Well, it's been a long road since the last update. Combat has been added, arena tools, monsters -- not to mention the recent sale of Daybreak Studios from Sony. We will get through this!

I would encourage new editors to visit the Category dictionary BEFORE you start tagging articles with categories. It's difficult to remove categories after the fact if they're redundant or incorrect, but it's easy enough to add the correct tags after an article has been created. So, when in doubt, don't add the category - just publish your update/changes/article.

Thank you for all your hard work and contributions!

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Anaduin Anaduin 9 February 2015

Stuff I'm working on

Arcanist's Mitts

Arcanist's Crown

Gloves of Restoration

Armor of Restoration

Gloves of Torment

Blood-Soaked Hood

Prisamtic Crown

Prismatic Raiment

Radiant Bulwark

Charm of the Fallen Star

Ring of Crushing Might

Earrings of Precision

Earrings of Infusion

Messenger's Sandals

Ring of Shielding

Sigil of Piercing Cold

Reinforced Plate

Raiment of Blind Fury

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Anaduin Anaduin 9 February 2015

Items I will be adding soon

List of items I will be adding soon:

Prismatic Raiment

Earrings of Infusion

Fallen Star Charm

Radiant Bulwark

Gloves of Torment

Earrings of Precision

Gloves of Restoration

Insurmountable Helm

Messenger's Sandals

Ring of Crushing Might

Raiment of Blind Fury

Sigil of Piercing Cold

Reinforced Plate

Barbed Gauntlets

Blood-Soaked Hood

Armor of Restoration

Arcanist's Mitts

Arcanist's Crown

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Anaduin Anaduin 9 February 2015

Why hello!

Just saying hello (+1 achievement!) and was letting everyone know (if they look here) my intention was to focus on equipment as it relates to combat/exploration.

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Phairest Phairest 16 January 2015


Whatever I'm working on ATM and notes to self

Doing: Aspects from Ether Stone

Next: Ether Stone and Essences from it


Pages in Smelted Metals category:, all info updated except items in "As a Recipe Component".

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Tenma eqnl Tenma eqnl 30 August 2014

Added Tenma's Tutorials Videos

Today i added the vast majority of the videos from my YouTube channel here on the Wikia. Hopefully you guys will enjoy them.

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Yasuewho Yasuewho 7 August 2014

Helping the New Players!

Given the addition of beta keys to Steam, I started a thread on the forum asking for what confused new players most/still confuses people. I've been all over the place with updates and added some pages based on that feedback. When I get those things in order on specific pages, then I'll add a Getting Started tutorial article. Anyone else willing to lend a hand would be great. I have one video created as well and more in the works.

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MickRingo MickRingo 29 July 2014

1st person

I like this game, the mining and crafting reminds me of #Minecraft, but the graphics remind me of a decent FPS or RPG. This game will eventually evole to have everything, as mentioned in certain forums and the like, but I think the one aspect that this game is missing, is the ability to change from 3rd to 1st person view, Albiet, when there is a fair amount behind you, the camera angle can be forced into 1st person view, I believe that a choice should be allowed. As an avid #Firefall Alpha player, they instigated 1st and 3rd person view, when driving or flying, 3rd person was the only view available, but that made control alot easier. I think withing #Landmark, whilst inside a cave, a 1st person view would allow much more viewing, especial…

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Jarod997 Jarod997 18 June 2014


Hi there fellow Landmarkians!

Things are greatly moving forward. I estimate that we have 99% of all in-game items listed on this wiki, and a large number of other articles relating from how things work, to building tips, guides and guilds. It's taken some time but I think we're finally well established!

But, our work is not finished. There are a number of projects that need working on. These various projects help keep our wiki in tip-top form. These range from helping keep the mechanics in good working order (links, missing files/images, article locations, etc), to making sure the wiki has a uniform look and feel across all it's related pages.

Also, we've established a general guide to how to label articles with category tags in our relativel…

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Yaviey Yaviey 20 May 2014

May 2014 Wikia Update

Hail Landmarkians!

It’s been a little while since we’ve officially checked in. We’ve been busy plugging away at Landmark, gathering your feedback on the official forums, and continuing to make the game awesome.

Since Landmark’s Alpha began only a few months ago, together you’ve amassed over 500 quality pages of how-to content and helpful information for your fellow players. THANK YOU and bravo! We would expect nothing less from such an amazing and dedicated Landmark community.

We want to let you know that while this wikia previously has been the “official” Landmark wiki, we’re going to allow a broader range of choices for our players. Don’t worry, though. We’re still going to be contributing here, showcasing the wiki on our social channels, a…

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Jarod997 Jarod997 14 May 2014

Category dictionary!

Yes, there is now a Category dictionary you can refer to, in which you'll find valid names with which you can assign to article pages.

If you wish to make an addition or other change to the list (rename, remove, etc), please enter your request on the Category dictionary Talk page.

This dictionary is a protected page - users can not edit it. I've made the decision to put my foot down and start with something concrete with which users can reference and use immediately. So please, use it!

The work of fixing (adding, removing, changing) category names on so many article pages is such a big job, we need you, the users to help. Some pages may fall into more than one category, BUT, they should not be tagged with a parent category name. For example, a…

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Jarod997 Jarod997 30 April 2014

Templates, and how to use them.

So I've created a few templates to help people get information on to the Wiki quickly and using the same formatting throughout. They are:

  • RawMaterial - used for harvestable items, eg: Copper Ore, Jute, Tourmaline, Heartwood, Plain Wood Log, etc
  • CraftedItem - used for items which are crafted, eg: Assessor's Mark, Iron Ingot, Large Wooden Chest, Outfitter's Table, etc.
  • Recipe - used to lay down a recipe table, eg: what it takes to make a crafted item
  • Asabm - (As a building material) - used to demonstrate what a material looks like when it's used in building. This usually involves one or more graphcis depicting the various textures available.
  • Asarc - (As a recipe component) - used to start a list which shows what other items the article item …
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Jarod997 Jarod997 29 April 2014

1,000 Edit!

Yea! Thanks to Legendary Infuser, I now have 1,000 edits! Actually I'm somewhere past 1,030 now, but still - it's a big milestone. :)

I just hope I can keep up with all the changes, and get new content added, and keep everything looking similar, and keep links functional... *whew* it's a job - but it's a fun job.

BTW It's amazing what spreadsheets can do for you. ;)

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Jarod997 Jarod997 24 April 2014

April 24th Patch

Oh no - they revamped the crafting stations, and tools. *deep breath* Time to have a deep read of the update notes and forumate a plan of attack for the wiki - and the game.

The video from Landmark Live #12 looks extremely exciting! Tool upgrades, static water, and more!

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Jarod997 Jarod997 11 April 2014

Item renames - April 10th patch

Arg! Who knew that renaming an item would cause so much trouble. I think I've updated almost all text which relates to "Sundrop Heartwood" and updated it to "Petrified Heartwood". As I'm not on my gaming computer ATM, I couldn't tell you about the trickle-down effects of this name change. As a somewhat surprise/benefit, there was no "Serpentine Heartwood" page created yet, so there was little to update. Mossy Heartwood has now been created with very little info in it. If you see anything that references the old "Sundrop" or "Serpentine" names, please update them!

Also, now that the Metal descriptions have been updated, the tooltip images need to be updated (and likely the item descriptions). Please, please, update the existing images - don't cr…

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Jarod997 Jarod997 8 April 2014

Working on more materials

Well, I've updated the rare tree drops, (Heartwood and such), the Axes, and a few images. Things are going slowly, but they're going. I have recent images for all the gem stones, and the basic components (like sand, dirt, stone, etc) but I haven't got to editing those yet.

As a note: if I see there is a similar image with a suitable name I will update that image. If there is a similar image, but the filename is something like "cap20140401-0002.jpg" I'm going to upload a new file. Please, if you're uploading images, make the file name descriptive. Also, make it specific - if the image represents an icon, call it an icon. If it's an "action shot" call it something like "in-action", "in-situ", or "in-use".

If you have any questions about the tem…

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Jarod997 Jarod997 3 April 2014

Raw Materials

Well, part one of my two part "Gathering and Materials" plan is coming along nicely. Raw Materials now have templates with which to quickly create similar looking articles. forms the basis of all Raw Materials and (As a Building Material) and (As a Recipe Component) provide extensions - though, now that I look at this post when I'm writing it - all Raw Materials are a recipe component for something... *doh*! Anyway, the order in which these templates are applied (as written here) still works very well, as some materials have an extensive list of things in which they go in.

This game is evolving quickly and it's taking some time to catch up to all the changes that keep happening. But along the way other users are stepping up as well and c…

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Dexella Dexella 2 April 2014

Player Studio is Expanding

On or before May 1, 2014, Player Studio support will begin for Landmark! As part of this rollout to Landmark, Player Studio creators in select regions outside of the United States will also be able to submit in-game items across all Player Studio-supported games.

Creators in Landmark can save any of their creations -- a fantastic castle, a sleek alien space ship, or whatever they imagine -- directly to a template that, upon approval, can be sold within Player Studio. For players who dream of making a name for themselves as designers and creators, there is an opportunity for fame and fortune as they build their reputation within the community.

"Landmark offers powerful and intuitive tools that enable players to build just about anything they …

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Yaviey Yaviey 26 March 2014

March 26th Landmark Producers Letter

Hello, Landmarkians!

And we do mean LANDMARKIANS. We have a lot to talk about today!

First off, a bit of housekeeping. We are changing the name of the game… literally. The game is no longer called EverQuest Next Landmark. We are now just Landmark. You may be asking, “Why the change?” Answer: To a lot of people, having EverQuest in the name immediately implies a fantasy game. Landmark is anything you can imagine. Removing EverQuest Next seemed the best. This doesn’t change anything we’ve said about Landmark or EverQuest Next. All the details of the games are still the same. We’re still using Landmark to build EverQuest Next – and we’ll still have areas dedicated to EQN. We’re just simplifying the name and making it easier to understand that t…

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Yaviey Yaviey 26 March 2014

The OFFICIAL Wiki of Landmark the Game

We’ve been doing video games for over a decade here at Sony Online Entertainment. And of course a lot of our games are incredibly deep and complex, especially in the EverQuest franchise. In October 2012 we partnered with Wikia to have official wikis hosted on Our first two wikias were for Planetside 2 and EverQuest II.

The Landmark wikia was created during SOE Live 2013 and has since grown to over 475 pages big (and still growing). It’s also one of ten official wikias. Wikia is one of the largest FREE wiki services out there. We partnered with them because they were open to everyone – including anonymous users. They’re very flexible, are “always on,” and have great customer service both for us and our users. Another bonus is that…

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Yaviey Yaviey 18 March 2014

Celebrate the EQ Anniversary with a Wikia Sweepstakes

March 16, 2014 marked the 15th anniversary of EverQuest. Let’s face it; it’s the game that started it all! And what’s an anniversary without presents? Our good friends at Wikia are giving away some EQ-themed goodies just for this occasion! Head on over to our brand new EverQuest Portal wikia, follow the instructions, and you could win one of 10 collector’s editions of EverQuest: Call of the Forsaken, 10 collector’s editions of EverQuest II: Tears of Veeshan, or one of 5 Landmark Trailblazer packs. Hurry up, though. This sweepstakes ends on March 31, 2014! For more details on the contest click here and for the official contest rules click here.

Happy anniversary, Norrathians!

-Yaviey, Wiki Project Manager @ SOE (talk) 00:46, March 18, 2014 (U…

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Dexella Dexella 26 February 2014

Dev Areas are a Battlefield

So, part of this blog is giving you an inside peek at the world here at SOE. And we've mentioned/hinted at this before, so I wanted to explain it to you: Dev Areas are a Battlefield. More specifically? They are a NERF GUN BATTLEFIELD!

You never quite know when a Nerf battle will break out in a Dev area. The thing is, when you're working in game development, sometimes you need to let loose and laugh and play -- and Nerf battles tend to be one of the most common methods of choice for doing that. In fact, one broke out the other morning at 9:00AM, which gave me inspiration for this blog!

Here's a quick gathering of some snapshots I took this morning in the EQNLandmark Dev area, with people showing off their weapons of choice (and yes, you get t…

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Jarod997 Jarod997 26 February 2014

Two new templates

Yea! There are now two new templates and , which put move and merge requests respectively, into an article. They also create a category with pages that have move and merge requests on them so people can act accordingly. :)

This should help. If people use them.

Jarod997 (talk) 03:32, February 26, 2014 (UTC)

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Dexella Dexella 20 February 2014

Help Us Build a Great Guide

Hi everyone!

I LOVE the work you've been doing here on our wikia thus far, and I'm hoping to see more and more folks contribute. One of our content writers, Erin Oakley, has written a guide to help you navigate and contribute to the wikia. Here is what she had to say:

By Erin Oakley

In EverQuest Next Landmark, you make a direct impact on the world by building anything you can imagine.  But did you know that we have a helpful resource, the official Landmark Wikia, that’s just as customizable? You’ll find user-contributed pages on everything you need to know to get started in Landmark: 

  • Landmark Starter Guide - A basic overview of Landmark
  • Building - Where and how to start building your dream home
  • Exploring - The different biomes of Landmark
  • Gather…

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Jarod997 Jarod997 13 February 2014

Harvesting and Materials

So here's my first post on Gathering and Materials.

As of this point I only have a Marble Forge and Tungsten Pick, so I will try to refrain from editing things I can't yet access - but I would like to add greatly (as much as I can) to the Gathering and Materials part of this Wiki.

Ultimately I'd like to see some sort of structure to Gathering and separately Materials - the pages seem disjointed to me and it's difficult to find some things. EQ2 Wikia was a wonderfully laid out wiki with all sorts of knowledge in it, and it was all easy to find. I suggest we try to structure this wikia in a similar manner. Please note that "Structure" does not necessarily mean "Layout".

Hmm, maybe I'll sit down with some graph paper and see what I can doodle ou…

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Dexella Dexella 12 February 2014

For Fan Sites and Guilds

Hi everyone!

Fansites (which include guild pages, livestreams/webshows, podcasts, blogs, and more) are a significant part of the EQN Landmark community. 

In order to those who run the sites to be able to keep their information up to date, and to allow new sites that pop up a chance to be included on the list, we've moved the official fansite list to our official Wikia! Now, if you run a fansite, podcast, livestream, or similar site for Landmark, you can add yourself to the list .

Currently, the fansite list page includes the external links to a significant number of the fansites, but you can also create a unique page on the Wikia for your site! To learn more about creating content on the Wikia, check out Yaviey's blog ! 

If you run a guild for…

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Matraque Matraque 2 February 2014

NDA Drop!

Now that the NDA officially dropped, Let's get to work!  If you have questions on how to do certain things, please feel free to ask for help!  Please make sure you read the About section of the wiki.  Here are a couple things to keep in mind:

  • Before you add any information to the wiki, make sure that it is not already present.  If you find the information that you wanted to add and feel you can update or add to it, please do!
  • Make sure you categorize your entry.
  • If you need help on your entry, please use  at the top of your entry. This will indicate to the community that the information is incomplete.
  • Have fun! 
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Jacob.foster.58 Jacob.foster.58 2 February 2014

Unofficial EverQuest Next Landmark Guide

You may have seen the following post in the forums, posting it here so that people also know where to find the guide. We will be hard at work converting everything over to this Wiki for everyone to use. Thank you for your patience.

Hey all! Your friendly neighborhood Landmarker here! As promised, I am re-posting the guide. Since the NDA has been lifted, I am posting this on Google Docs so that the one link can always be up to date for everyone.

As always, if you want to see anything added just comment here. Also, if you would like to contribute, simply respond to this and PM me your Google account name so I can add you to the list of editors.

Thanks and enjoy Landmark!

The Unofficial Landmark Player Guide

If this becomes something that everyone…

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JAlbor JAlbor 1 February 2014

EverQuest Next Landmark Starter Guide

Sony Online Entertainment is trying something new with EverQuest Next Landmark, a multiplayer online sandbox building game that will give players all the tools they need to build the fantasy realms that they themselves would like to see. The best “landmarks,” which is what the team is coining fan creations, will be featured as official locales to be explored by millions in the upcoming EverQuest Next.

Landmark players will find themselves alone in a vast landscape, free to use the tools and resources at their disposal to shape the world to their desires. The first item the player has is called a “claim flag,” which is used to claim the area that they’d like to craft upon. This makes the area off-limits to others for purposes of mining and build…

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Dexella Dexella 23 January 2014

Behind the Scenes of Livestreaming

Hey everyone!

I'm going to be covering a lot of different topics here on this ol' blog, and one of the things I wanted to do was give you a bit of a behind-the-scenes look into life here at SOE. 

Unfortunately, we had technical difficulties with the January 15th livestream, so we're not posting the traditional replay video. Don't worry! Any news and information we shared during the stream will be made available through other videos and articles on 

While we were getting read to stream, though, I did take a bunch of pictures and wanted to share them with you all to give you a glimpse at what it takes to produce our Landmark livestreams:

Livestream planning begins weeks before the stream goes live, as we select topics and guests…

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Dexella Dexella 9 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Hey folks!

Well, here we are - one week into 2014. 2014 = the year you will finally get a chance to play Landmark! Are you as excited as I am?!?! 

The team has been very hard at work and we have some great stuff to show you in the coming weeks. I know you're all looking forward to seeing more of the game, so here's more screenshots! These two capture the action of building and placing props:

And here's one for all of our fans who might be in colder climates right now!

Want more Landmark news? Make sure you check out our new "Fansite Collective Interview" feature. The first edition , featuring questions from EQNext Fans, was posted yesterday (January 7), and the second one comes out tomorrow (January 9). 

Dexella (talk) 02:00, January 9, 2014 (U…

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Dexella Dexella 18 December 2013

Happy Holidays

Hello all!

The holiday season is here! I'll be signing off early next week for the rest of 2013 in order to spend time with family and friends and celebrate the crazy wonderful past year as well as the upcoming AMAZING year ahead. But before I go, I wanted to write one more blog post for y'all and share some things you may have missed recently in Landmark land. 

First, did you catch the livestream on December 11? We revealed the names of Landmark Gal and Guy (who you see on the sides of this Wikia, in fact). The Gal is Colette and the Guy is Gregor. Senior Producer Terry Michaels explains more about where the names came from in the video. We also show mining in game for the first time (remember - this is pre-alpha footage, so the graphics yo…

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Dexella Dexella 11 December 2013

Creepy Crawly Creations

Hi y'all!

I'm back for another blog this week! I hope you're planning on tuning in to our livestream which will kick off in about an hour and a half at 4:00PM PST today (December 11, 2013). We'll be talking about mining and more in Landmark!

One thing we've shown quite a bit of thus far is building structures. But in Landmark, you can build ANYTHING you imagine. Like what? Well, take a look at this creepy crawly creation -- a GIANT spider sculpture:

Creepy, right? But also, I think, very cool. Does this spark your imagination for more things you might create in Landmark? Do you have a good name or a caption for our eight-legged friend here? Share in the comments below! 

Dexella (talk) 22:33, December 11, 2013 (UTC)Dexella

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Dexella Dexella 27 November 2013

I am thankful for...screenshots!

Hello, future builders/crafters/adventurers!

It's Thanksgiving week around here, but before I head out, I wanted to swing by and say hello and share a little something special for this holiday weekend...a new screenshot! Doesn't this look like a great place to spend the holidays?

For upcoming screenshot releases, make sure you keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages! 

Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating this week as well. 

Until next time, 

Dexella (talk) 20:12, November 27, 2013 (UTC)Dexella

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Dexella Dexella 21 November 2013

November Livestream Replay!

Hello Everyone!

(Landmarkers? Wikians? What are we calling ourselves over here? Let me know your thoughts in the comments and/or on my Message Wall ...) 

From time to time, I'll be here blogging about EQN Landmark - what's coming up, what's going on in game, etc. First, did you see that you can buy a Founder's Pack for permanent access in Alpha and/or Closed Beta? 

Second, did you tune in to the Landmark Livestream we had last week on Wednesday? If you missed it, I'm here with a replay for you!

Enjoy the multitude of silly faces that I made while on camera. What can I say? I've got a background in theater and sometimes (okay, all the time) I forget that you can/should tone down your facial expressions for camera as opposed to being on stage. 


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Yaviey Yaviey 14 November 2013

Wikia Wednesday - How to Report Inappropriate Behavior

We've recently been over a number of important topics related to Wikia such as communicating, creating a page, and more. But one of the most important topics is how to protect yourself and your work on Wikia, by getting help dealing with harassment, spam, copyright infringement, etc. Of course we hope that you never come across anything of the sort, but it’s important to know the best steps to take so that we can make everyone’s Wikia experience enjoyable.


Harassment is a serious issue and one that is not taken lightly here at SOE. Harassment can come in the form of taunting, abusive words, offensive images, threats, etc. If another user is doing this to you or anyone else, please report the behavior via e-mail to jbridges@soe.son…

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Yaviey Yaviey 8 November 2013

Wikia Wednesday - How to Organize Using Categories

It's been over a month now and we’ve taken you through lots of great tips and tricks on Wikia, such as how to edit a Wikia page, create a new page, add multimedia, communicate, and more. Today we’re here to show you how to better organize the content on a Wikia so that other users can find it easier.

Why Organize?

You know that junk drawer in your house that you keep everything in? Then when you need to find something you practically have to pour it out and scour through the entire mess to find what you’re looking for? That's exactly what a Wikia can be like if it's not organized.

About Categories

Categories serve as tags for Wikia content. For instance, a page about a sword or gun should have the categories "weapons" in addition to more speci…

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Yaviey Yaviey 30 October 2013

Wikia Wednesday - How to Communicate on Wikia

For the past four weeks we've shown you all sorts of great tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your Wikia experience. We've shown you how to edit a Wikia page, create a new page, add multimedia, and more. Today we're here to show you one of the most important tasks of all – how to communicate!

Why Communicate?

There are many reasons why you will find it useful to communicate with other Wikia users on a Wikia. For instance, you may want a new page you just created added to the top navigation, and in order to do that, you would need to ask an administrator to add it for you. (You can do this by asking them on their Talk Page.) Another example is when you find a page on a particular topic and want to know more information. Making a po…

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Yaviey Yaviey 23 October 2013

Wikia Wednesday - How to Add Multimedia to a Wikia Page

We've almost had one full month of Wikia Wednesdays! Last week we showed you how to create a Wikia page on one of SOE's official Wikias. Today we're here to show you how to add multimedia to a page on your favorite SOE Wikia!

Why Add Multimedia to a Wikia?

Have you ever heard the expression, "a picture is worth a thousand words?" In the world of the Internet, this saying couldn’t be truer. Our eyes naturally gravitate towards content that is rich with images and videos, so it's important that these are found on Wikia, too! Multimedia makes the pages more engaging and personable. It can also be even more helpful to a user when there are images of NPCs, maps, etc. Additionally, it's very useful for mobile Wikia users so they don't just see a w…

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Yaviey Yaviey 17 October 2013

Wikia Wednesday - How to Create a Page

Did you know? SOE has 11 official Wikias for your favorite games! Isn’t it about time you learned how to use them? Last week we showed you how to edit a Wikia page. Today we’re here to show you how to add a new page to your favorite SOE Wikia!

Why Create a New Page?

Going through your favorite game’s official Wikia, you may find that some information is missing. For instance, you may find that an NPC for a quest or even data on a specific favorite weapon is not listed. You have the power to change that! After all, most of the content on a Wikia is supplied by contributors just like you.

How to Create a New Page

Don’t worry; adding a new Wikia page is really easy! Just append the new page name you’d like to create after /wiki/ in the URL. Examp…

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Yaviey Yaviey 31 January 2018

Wikia Wednesday – How to Edit a Wikia

Did you know? SOE has 11 official Wikias for your favorite games! Isn’t it about time you learned how to use them? Today we’re here to show you how to edit a page on your favorite SOE Wikia!

Why Edit?

You've almost certainly been there – you hop on a wiki to look up how to complete a quest or mission and you find it…only to realize that the information is out of date. Luckily you figure out the quest yourself – now YOU have the power to help make someone else’s experience better!

There are many important reasons you will want to edit pages on a Wikia. For instance, you may see incorrect spelling, bad grammar, strange formatting, or just plain wrong information. Since Wikias are a community effort, it takes all of us working together to make s…

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Yaviey Yaviey 2 October 2013

Introducing Wikia Wednesday

You’ve probably heard Wikias mentioned on a number of SOE games, but you may still be wondering – what is a Wikia? Wikias are an amazing player resource, a place to connect with fellow players and your community managers, and more! Each week we’ll bring you tips and tricks so that you can get the most out of the Wikias. This week, we’re giving you a run-down of what a Wikia is with a basic introduction.

Did you know?

SOE has 11 official Wikias for your favorite games! In 2012 we partnered with Wikia to bring players a new way to enjoy our games – with an online, living strategy guide that everyone can edit and use. We have converted several previously existing player Wikias into official communities. We’ve also built some from the ground up.


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Ulfuric Ulfuric 23 September 2013

How does Landmark connect to EQ Next?


I have been trying to figure out how Landmark will associate with EQ Next. I do know that Landmark (hopefully released this fall; no release date at this time) will allow someone stake a claim and build on it. I understand that there will not be any mobs. I will be able to explore the world and collect ablilites as I roam. I am very excited about this but what happens once EQ Next is released? Here are just a few questions and thoughts about these two games.

  1. The home or structure I create in Landmark, will it be accessable in EQN or do I have to start building something new?
  1. Will housing/guild halls be an instance or will they be open to the whole word to see.
  1. Can I have a plot for myself and also have a plot connected to the guild plot…

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Yaviey Yaviey 29 August 2013

SOE at PAX Prime and Dragon Con!

This week, SOE heads to both PAX Prime and Dragon Con! The events are going on at the same time (August 30, 2013 – September 2, 2013). Between the two conventions we’ll be talking about PlanetSide 2, Dragon’s Prophet, EverQuest Next, EverQuest II, DCUO, and Free Realms. Here’s some more info on what we’ll be doing:

  • 1 PAX Prime
    • 1.1 Panels
  • 2 Dragon Con
    • 2.1 Panels
  • 3 Giveaways

Join the SOE team at panels (see below) or the booth (#3336)! The SOE team will have stage presentations, game demos, giveaways, and more! Stop on by!

  • As Beta As You Wanna Be with Linda “Brasse” Carlson on Friday, August 30th at 11:30 AM PDT in the Wolfman Theater.
  • The Future of Online Games with Dave “SmokeJumper” Georgeson on Friday, August 30th at 1:30 PM PDT in the Serpent Theatre.…

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