Landmark Wiki

The Friends List allows easy contact with and travel to people you know.

The Friends List is an element in the User Interface (UI) that allows players to keep in touch and meet.


To open it you can either click the people icon in the upper left corner of your screen or you can press K on your keyboard.

The list has two sections.

  • Friends: these are general friends outside of your guild. This is a list of people that you either sent friend requests to or from whom you accepted friend requests.
  • Guild: as the name implies, this is a list of the players in the same guild after you join one.
Small drop-down arrows allow you to expand and collapse the lists. This is useful if you have a very long list in either group.


There are several uses described below, but some notable features include:

  1. Invite people in the list to the guild (when they are not yet in it).
  2. Filtered to show you only those who are currently online, using a check box near the bottom.
  3. Search for friends you want to contact that are online or those to whom you want to travel by using the Search field near the bottom.


To use the list for its various purpose, right click on the player's name.

Depending on the section of the list the friend is in, following options may be available:

  1. Invite to Guild
  2. Send Tell (a private form of chat).
  3. Teleport, which is a form of fast travel that takes you directly to that person.
  4. Send Mail, which opens the interface for the Mailbox no matter where you are in the world.

If they are in your guild and you have the correct rank you may be able to adjust their rank (demote/promote) or remove them from the guild.
